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행복한 일상의 회복

권진유 강사

[Jenney studio pilates]
-pilates antomy
-pilates analysis
-Level1- MAT (ball, Formroller,circlering)
-Level2- 대기구(reformer, cadillac, barell, chair, spring board

Exercise prescription and rehabilitation 재활 운동처방사:한국생활 체육지도자교육원
발레핏 : 발레핏디자인
SMT(soft tissue mobilization technique) : 척추안정화 연구소
shoulder complex ,knee joint
Essential Exercise Physiology
solution for shoulder imbalance , pelvic assesssment & case solution
cervical, thoracic vertebrae
AFIC Conference-CLX(Introduction & How to use)WS수료
Essential Exercise Physiology
pre-post pregnant woman pilates basic course-core pilates


  • INUS PILATES & FLYINGYOGA서울특별시 서초구 마방로4길 15-56
  • 사업자등록번호514-88-02029
  • 대표전화1668-1686
  • Copyright 2023 INUS H&L all rights reserved.
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